Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Lilacia Park in Lombard

In my opinion, the best flowers are in bloom during the month of May (it's one of the reasons I chose to name my flower business May Floral). For instance, the extraordinary lilacs. I love their beautiful color palette of purple and white, heavenly fragrance, and fluffy blooms. So I am thankful that there is a nearby park dedicated to lilacs! The Lombard Park District’s Lilacia Park is an 8.5-acre paradise of over 700 lilacs! Yesterday, I visited to inhale the lilacs' sweet fragrance and take in their beauty. This flower has a short blooming season. For us midwesterners, it is usually on full display during mid-May and then falls dormant again until the following year. For me, this makes lilac an even greater delight to cherish.

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